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Writer's pictureDr. Roger D Duke

Wise Reflections and Life Review on a Personal and Pending Demise! Much More Than a "New Year's Resolution"!

Consider These Wise Saying . . .

"Miscellaneous Bunyan Quotes"

Devotional Thoughts for December 12

From the Pen of John Bunyan

*“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance”

Proverbs 1: 5

·        *“I am content with what I have, little be it, or much.”

·        *“The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and they that lack the beginning have neither middle not end.”

·        *“He who runs from God in the morning will scarcely find Him the rest of the day.”

·         *“What God says is best, though all the men in the world are against it.”

·        *“Prayer is a sincere, sensible, affectionate pouring out of the soul to God, through Christ, in the strength and assistance of the Spirit for such things as God has promised.”

·         *“Dark clouds bring water, when the bright bring none.”

·         *“In times of affliction we commonly meet with the sweetest experiences of the love of God.”

·       *“And, indeed, this is one of the greatest mysteries in the world; namely, that a righteousness that resides in heaven should justify me a sinner on earth.”

·         *“The spirit of prayer is more precious that treasures of gold and silver.”

·         *“Temptation provokes me to look upward to God.”



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