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The Inverted


Picture of Peter Crucified upside down.p


                    Painting of Peter Crucified Upside-Down

                                          By Caravaggio 


                                 “The Inverted Christian” ©


Jesus said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it”

                                  (Luke 9:24; KJV).



                                                Chapter 1


                                Why “The Inverted Christian”?


                                                An Introduction


This is the inaugural article for “The Inverted Christian” section of our web


page. It is my desire to post an article weekly (or at least bi-weekly). But, as


we all know, life-happens. So, my prayer is, “God Willing” (James 4:15)—to


use this once a week timeframe as a goal of opportunity, not as a god to be


worshipped. Before we begin, I would like to have you know a couple of


things: First, I would like to thank you for stopping by to read our sundry


thoughts, ideas, and opinions that are fleshed-out here. Many a time; ideas


appear more radical when written-out than when only abstract thoughts. My


subjective deliberations often betray me when objectively committed to black


ink on white paper. I do not claim to have a lock on truth. And I do invite your


responses. For “iron sharpens iron” (Proverbs 27:17, KJV), “so a man


sharpens the countenance of his friend.” But I would sincerely request, if you


give feedback; that you write, speak, and act by “The Golden Rule.” With this


request please read again Matthew 7:12, “Therefore, all things whatsoever ye


would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law


and the prophets.” 


            Secondly, I would have you know a bit more about me. For an in-depth


look please refer to the home page of “The Inverted Christian”


( It gives all my ministerial, experiential, and


educational credentials. I am an orthodox Christian. (I do not mean by that I


am a communicant of an Eastern Orthodox Church.) However, I do stand in


the long line of Christian orthodoxy. Confessional beliefs held are as follows


(but are limited to): the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Chalcedonian


Creed, the Five Solas of the Reformation, the Particular View of Christ’s


Atonement (T-U-L-I-P), the Second (Baptist) London Confession of 1689, and


the Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy. These are posted in a


predominant place on the web page for your consideration.


                 A Rationale for “The Inverted Christian” Web Page


            On the homepage is a painting of Peter being crucified upside-down.


This event is not found in the Biblical narrative. However, Followers-of-Christ


possess ample evidence from testimony, history, and Christian tradition to


believe it occurred. (See John Oaks article:


crucified-upside-down-in-rome/). Caravaggio captures Peter in a visual way


that becomes visceral when studied intently. The abstract idea of Christian


discipleship, and all that means, has been dancing around in my head for


some time. Dietrich Bonhoeffer asserted it clearly; “When Christ calls a . . .


[person], he bids him come and die.” He too, like Peter, was martyred for his


commitment to Christ.


Some explanation is in order: Peter did not feel himself worthy to be Crucified


like his Master. So, he requested to be crucified upside-down. Hence, the idea


for “The Inverted Christian.” For him, it was his last full measure of devotion. It


completed a lifelong call to follow Christ as disciple then Apostle. The truth be


told, Peter’s personal experience is rather unique. But our call to follow the


Lord Christ is general, it becomes personal, like Peter’s, when we take up our


own individual Cross. All who heed Christ’s invitation are called to “come and


die.” This Gospel dynamic is set before everyone who would consider


becoming a Follower-of-Christ. It is declared most clearly in the New


Testament Gospel of Luke. Jesus asserts; “For whosoever will save his life


shall lose it; but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save


it” (Luke 9:24; KJV). Hence, this Bible verse and image of Peter are the basis


of the articles to be posted. Peter’s crucifixion imagined and seen becomes a


literal representation of the metaphor for what it means to be a Follower-of-


Christ. Arguably, this is the major dynamic of Discipleship or “follow-ship.” It is


a topsy-turvy understanding (or inverted understanding) of the Christian life


and worldview; when compared to the life and worldview of this present


culture where we find ourselves. The Christian is to “seek those things which


are above” and live like “strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” From the Follow-


of-Christ’s perspective—counter to this world’s understanding—everything is


to be done from an “other worldly” way of seeing things. The focus of “The


Inverted Christian” is to provide an alternative mindset of this present world


and the world to come!

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