Please read, pray, and meditate on this prayer offered by The Treasuring Christ Together
(TCT) Church Fellowship of Memphis, TN.
The prayer is posted @
It is brought to you by the sponsored by The Duke Consulting Group.
To the Saints and Faithful Brothers and Sisters in the Twin
Most certainly, our great adversary [SATAN] is busy at work exploiting these circumstances to promote deceit, darkness, and sinful division. We pray that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ would shine light in the midst of the darkness.
We grieve and mourn with you over the tragic occurrences of these recent days. We mourn when God-given authority is abused. We mourn over the tragic loss of George Floyd’s life. We acknowledge that in your cities there is great anger, fear, pain, and confusion.
Most certainly, our great adversary is busy at work exploiting these circumstances to promote deceit, darkness, and sinful division. We pray that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ would shine light amid the darkness. That he would give wisdom, comfort, and peace to your churches and pastors. That He would restrain evil or overrule it for His own wise purposes. That he would grant humility, repentance, healing, and genuine love for God and neighbor.
Finally, we pray for truth, justice, and meekness. All in the name of our Blessed Redeemer, Jesus Christ, AMEN