Please enjoy the “Gospel” as found in the writings of John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim’s Progress. This excerpt was taken from an address given at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Andrew Fuller Center by Dr. Roger D Duke

IT IS NOT EVERY SUFFERING that makes a martyr but suffering for the Word of God after a right manner; that is, not only for righteousness’ sake; not only for truth, but out of love . . . [of the] truth; not only for God’s Word, but according to it: . . . in that holy, humble, meek manner, as the Word of God requires.
It is a rare thing to suffer rightly, and to have my spirit in suffering bent only against God’s enemy, sin; sin in doctrine, sin in worship, sin in life, and sin in conversation.
The devil, nor men of the world, can kill your righteousness, or your love for righteousness except it comes by our own hand; neither can you be separated from it without an action of your own. Nor will he that does indeed suffer for the sake of it, or out of love he bears for it, be tempted to exchange it, for the good will of all the world.
I have often thought that the best of Christians are found in the worst of times. And I have thought again that one reason why we are no better is because God purges us no more. Noah and Lot—who were as holy as they in the time of afflictions? And yet, who were as idle as they in the time of prosperity? [1]
Let us gird up our loins in these good times that we might indeed be prepared for the persecution that is surely to come!
[1] Jon J. Cardwell, editor and complier, Dying Sayings: John Bunyan (Printed by Create Space in the United States of America: Vayahiy Press, 2011), 25-26.
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