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Dr. Duke's Newest Books:






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The Spirit of Holiness


In Honor of Dr. Don Whitney of SBTS.


What does it mean to be "spiritual"?


In The Spirit of Holiness, Terry Delaney and Dr. Roger Duke have collected a variety of reflections on spirituality by authors like Al Mohler, Michael Haykin, and Steve Lawson.



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Amazing Love! How Can It Be


Dr. Duke contributes well-considered insights to this latest volume examining the hymns of Charles Wesley.


The reader will benefit enormously from both information and inspiration in the pages of this profound work.


Edited by Chris Fenner & Brian G. Najapfour

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Dr. Roger D. Duke is an author, theologian, educator, itinerant preacher, published scholar, and professor at several institutions of higher learning including: Union University, Baptist College of Health Sciences, Liberty University, Memphis Theological Seminary, and Columbia Evangelical Seminary. Professor Duke also serves as a Consulting Editor for B & H Academic Studies in Baptist Life and Thought series. He retired early in August of 2016 to speak, write, and consult full-time. To help him fulfill this desire, he formed the Duke Consulting Group.


John Albert Broadus,
2nd Edition 
Borderstone Press
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Baptists, Evangelicals,
and Puritans
DCG Press
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John A. Broadus,
A Living Legacy
B&H Academic Press 
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© 2020 by Roger Duke


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