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There is an Offer of Mercy to all Who Repent toward God and Place Their Faith in Jesus Christ! Have You Sought That Mercy and Fled to Him?

Writer's picture: Dr. Roger D DukeDr. Roger D Duke

Christ’s Offer of Mercy [1] 

Jesus Christ would have mercy offered, in the first place, to the biggest sinners, because that is the way, if they receive it, most to weaken the kingdom of Satan, and to keep it lowest in every age of the world.

The biggest sinners, they are Satan’s colonels and captains, the leaders of his people, and they that most stoutly make head against the Son of God. Wherefore, let these first be conquered, and his kingdom will be weak.

When Ishbosheth had lost his Abner, the kingdom was made weak, nor did he sit but tottering then upon his throne. So, when Satan loses his strong men, them that are mighty to work iniquity, and dexterous to manage others in the same[;] then is his kingdom weak (2 Sam. 3). Therefore, I say, Christ does not offer mercy in the first place to such, the more to weaken his kingdom. Christ Jesus was glad to see Satan fall like lightning from heaven; that is, suddenly, or headlong; and it was, surely, by casting of him out of strong possession, and by recovering of some notorious sinners out of his clutches (Luke 10:17-19). 

Samson, when he would pull down the Philistines’ temple, took hold of the two main pillars of if, and, breaking them down came the house. Christ came to destroy the works of the devil, and to destroy by converting grace, as well as by redeeming blood. Now, sin swarms, and flesh lies by legions and whole armies, in the souls of the biggest sinners, as in garrisons; wherefore, the way, the most direct way, to destroy it is first to deal with such sinners by the word of the gospel, and by the merits of his passion. . . .

I speak by experience. I was one of these . . . great sin-breeders; I infected all the youth of the town where I was born, with all manner of youthful vanities. The neighbours counted me so; my practice proved me so; wherefore Christ Jesus took me first; and taking me first, the contagion was much allayed all the town over. When God made me sigh, they would hearken, and inquiringly say, What’s the matter with John? They also gave the various opinions of me; but, as I said, sin cooled, and failed, as to his full career. When I went out to seek the bread of life, some of them would follow, and the rest were put into muse[2] at home. Yea, almost the town, at first, at times would go out to hear at the place where I found good; yea young and old for a while had some reformation on them; also some of them perceiving that God had mercy upon me, came crying to him for mercy too. . . .

And do you not think now that if God would but take hold of the hearts of some of the most notorious in your town, in your family, or country, that this thing would be verified before your faces? It would, it would, to the joy of you that are godly, to the making of hell to sigh, to the great suppressing of sin, the glory of Christ, and the joy of angels of God. And minister should, therefore, that this work might go on, take advantages to persuade the biggest sinners to come in to Christ, according to my text, and their commission, ‘Beginning at Jerusalem.'

[1] John Bunyan, The Jerusalem Sinner Saved (Carlisle, PA.: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2005), 34-36. This is a reprint of what was “First Published in London, 1691.”

[2]Footnote in the text concerning the word “muse.” Bunyan defines it as, “Made to think deeply.” 36.

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